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Spreading Warmth Since 1942

It's 81 years since the founder of today's Woollen Store set up his enterprise in the hilly climes of Ooty in the Nilgiris district of southern India.

What began as a utility apparel venture, grew into a specialty winter wear store. With a handpicked vendor supply chain, on one hand and a dedicated clientele on the other, today Woollen Store is a leader and innovator in the outer wear space.


WS Indie - From the shawls of Kutch to the coatees from Manipur, we handpick authentic outerwear pieces from craftsmen and artisans from every nook of the country representing the vivid and diverse Indian culture.


WS Trekking gear – Outerwear for you to pump that adrenaline and push you to follow your dreams of being a modern-day explorer.


WS Sub-zero-wear – Catering to an audience who fulfil their dreams in faraway lands, we have special outerwear that will insulate from your temperatures as cold as -5-degree C.


With a range of sweaters, shawls, stoles and jackets and woolly accessories from both global brands and local tags, the store extends quality 'all-weather woollens' for men, women and kids. at unparalleled prices.

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